A typewriter with typed 'Goals' on paper.

We all want to be successful in life, right? And by success, I mean achieving anything, whether it’s preparing for a test, establishing a work-life balance, or simply cooking a new recipe. Your process of achieving the desired results begins by creating SMART goals to keep you focused on what’s important.

Anyone can create SMART goals, even my kids. The SMART framework is simple; it is broken down into smaller SMART objectives where you can track progress and celebrate small victories.

Discover more success with Mastering Self-Management.

What is a SMART Goal?

You’re probably wondering, “Hey, Vickie. Why is it called a SMART goal? What is the difference between a SMART goal and a regular goal?”

If this is your first time hearing about SMART goals, it’s okay. I didn’t know about this goal-setting method until I took my first Business 101 course in college. This method was crafted by George T. Doran in 1981 for the Management Review.

The SMART acronym is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. You must meet these criteria when establishing your objective.

The essence of SMART goals is about defining objectives into a strategic action plan. This can be a professional goal or a personal goal. Either way, you have a clear understanding of your purpose and how to take action towards it.

For example, instead stating “I want to visit Georgia’s National State Parks,” a SMART framework would state, “I will hike three Georgia National State Parks by November.” By framing your purpose this way, you make it personal and tangible.

The Purpose of SMART Goals

We all want to achieve our goals. However, the challenge is how to go about doing it. How do we get to the finish line? SMART goals provide the big picture to help you stay focused and achieve your desired results. They are crucial functions in both performance management and personal evolution.

Consider this. You probably wouldn’t sail into the ocean with no destination, compass, or map. In related terms, vague goals like “I want to be happy” or “I want to do well at my job” are difficult to navigate towards. You are not provided with the big picture and will be stranded in a sea of uncertainty.

Not sure what to focus your goals on? No worries, check out this article: Pinpoint Your True Mission.

SMART goals are your destination, your compass, and your map. They encourage crystal-clear objectives that transform your fuzzy desires into robust action plans.

The Benefits of Using SMART Goals

Oh, the perks of SMART goals! Where do I even start?

Picture a Sunday afternoon. You could laze around, burning daylight, or make the most of your time practicing a new skill or hobby. That’s what SMART goals do for your aspirations. They guide your energy in the right direction, making sure you’re productive in the most fulfilling way.

Plus, with SMART goals, you’re not just thrown into the deep end. They pack a motivational punch in boosting your morale step-by-step, giving you the confidence and determination needed to meet each milestone. It’s not just about reaching the finish line, it’s about celebrating those small wins on the way!

Remember to track your progress by making progress visible and measurable. SMART goals let you know when you’re on track or if you need to step up your game.

Breaking Down the Acronym

Alright, let’s tackle this grand-sounding acronym and see what we unravel!

  • Specific: Be crystal-clear about your goal. Instead of saying “I want to lose weight,” you should say “I will lose 10 pounds.” This creates a more meaningful goal that is easier to understand.

  • Measurable: All goal setting must be time-bound. Having quantifiable goals like “Read 30 pages daily” helps you keep tabs on your milestones.

  • Attainable: It’s essential to pick realistic, achievable goals. Attainable goals inspire motivation and satisfaction.

  • Relevant: The objective must relate to your mission to avoid distractions. This keeps everything aligned and focuses your efforts on only the necessary resources.

  • Time-bound: Having a target date for each goal will help you reach your desired results. Without timelines, our goals are forever on the horizon, always in sight but never in grasp.

A planner flat lay displaying the progress of writing goals.
Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash

How to Use SMART Goals for Success

Now that the SMART acronym has been broken down, let’s start writing some goals!

To establish a SMART goal, you must first define your what and why. What is it that you want to achieve? And, why do you need to achieve it?

Say you’re a web designer, and your goal is to grow professionally. A SMART version might be: “I will undertake two online courses on Advanced CSS over the next three months.”

Or maybe you’ve got a personal aim in sight. Let’s say you wish to get fit. How about, “I will lose 5% of my body weight by attending gym sessions four times a week for a year.”

The trick? Specify, quantify, ensure it’s achievable and relevant, and tie it to time. Watch as your goals shape up to be clearer, achievable, and ultimately a catalyst for success.


The concept of SMART goals is a straightforward yet powerful tool that can revolutionize the way we approach our aspirations. These pragmatic, goal-setting mechanisms pave the way for transformation. They turn your dreams into realities and your hopes into achievements.

The beauty of SMART goals is their simplicity and effectiveness. It helps create a focused mindset to break down our goals into achievable chi chunks. We will have a clear direction to start our journey.

Your success story is only one SMART goal away. Let’s turn these dreams into reality!


Can SMART goals be adjusted over time?

Sure, they can! Remember, goals are meant to guide, not constrain. If circumstances change, so can your goals. The key is to stay open-minded and flexible.

How can I track my progress on a SMART goal?

There are various ways to track your progress. From keeping a journal to using digital trackers, choose what suits you. Remember, the goal is progress, not perfection.

Are SMART goals suitable for everyone or more specific types of individuals or professionals?

Frankly, SMART goals are universal. Whether you’re a college student, a CEO, or an artist, SMART goals can help you turn your aspirations into successes.


  1. I absolutely love how you break down the power of SMART goals! It’s like having a roadmap for turning dreams into real achievements. This resonates so well 😊 Thank you for sharing!

  2. Thank you for inspiration. I heard about the SMART goals system, but I never tried it. I planned so much for 2024, and I`ll try to follow this system now.

    1. Hi, Olga! I am so glad you found my post. Yes, SMART goals are designed to help your reach goals that align with your vision. If you have any further questions about SMART goals, please do not hesitate to reach out!

  3. Love that this can be used for business and personal success as well! I learned this in business class but see that it can be applied universally as you mentioned. Wonderfully explained. Thank you !

    1. You’re welcome! Indeed, the principles of SMART goals can each any aspect of our lives. Your feedback means a lot, and I’m glad the explanations resonated with you!

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