An Ever-Changing, enlivening home.

Vim Haven

Rekindling Romance

14 Creative Home Date Night Ideas

Are you tired of the same old routine for date night? Tired of Googling places to dine?

Let’s face it, staying in can be just as romantic, if not more so, than going out. I’ve compiled a list of unique and exciting suggestions to spice up your relationship without ever leaving your home.

A date night at home can be a memorable and enjoyable experience for you and your significant other. So, why wait?

Dive in and discover the secrets to keeping the spark alive in your relationship, all from the comfort of your own home!

Write, Reflect, Repeat

Blocking Writer’s Block

Explore my collection of writing prompts and posts. Join me here on Vim Haven with each prompt and unlock your creative potential. Get inspired, challenge your skills, and transform your thoughts into captivating narratives. Perfect for writers of all levels to spark new ideas, and craft compelling tales. Start your next writing adventure with me today!

A typewriter with typed 'Goals' on paper.

Unlock success with SMART goals. These criteria ensure clarity, motivation, and accountability. Turn your aspirations into achievements today!

A girl jogging up a staircase. A metaphor for finding our true mission.

The journey to discovering your true mission in life is a deeply personal and transformative experience. Understanding your mission brings profound meaning to your life.

My Journey

Discover, Dream, and Develop

From wellness to personal growth to travel, culture, and home – find inspiration with me at Vim Haven to craft your unique lifestyle story.

Hello, Hello!

Thanks for visiting me!

Thank you for visiting Vim Haven today, and I genuinely hope you found something valuable during your time here.
While my blog is still in the early stages, I’m here to share my journey as a parent and resident of North Georgia.
Vim Haven featured image of Vickie holding her child.
If there is a specific topic or area you’d like me to explore and write about, please feel free to reach out.
I’m eager to embark on this journey with you at Vim Haven, whether it’s diving into entrepreneurship, tips on parenting, exploring North Georgia, or any other subject that piques your interest.
Your feedback and suggestions are greatly appreciated, and I’m excited to craft information and engaging articles that bring value to us all.

Two kids looking out from mountain.
My two oldest enjoy the view from Kennesaw Mountain.
Four kids and father playing on lake beach.
My husband and four children are enjoying the cool waters of Lake Allatoona.